Yesterday I drove 225 km (130 miles) to pickup the dedication plaques to discover that I should have payed more attention to my vulcan logic classes.
The A3 and A4 designs
During my vacation in Portugal I was getting restless with the time it took to get the Dedication Plaque's ready for you, my most treasured crew, that in my haste I have sent the wrong design to the printer.
Due to the size limitations we had to add a new departement called Astrophysics and shuffle the names around. During this shuffeling some names were made duplicate and we corrected them. I have sent the non-corrected version to the printer. DOH .....
So here's what I can do !
The A3 is exactly the same as the original design. This one costs 20 euro incl postage in NL. I have 4 of them!
The A4 is the adjusted version. This one costs 12 euro incl postage in NL and I have 8 of them. If you can look past the duplicates and order the A4 I will include this small logo I also had printed.
If you want I can send the corrected design to the printer and get the A4 version as it was intended to be, but this will take some more time (2 weeks or so)
I am so terribly sorry about this ! Completely my screw-up and I can understand if you dont want it anymore.
So let me know which one you want , if you still want it, or let me know and I will get some new A4 versions and use the old ones as mod material in a future build.
ASPHIAX Signing out ...
How to order :
Send me an email: telling me which one you want (the A3, the Old A4 or the NewA4)
Please include your adress details (including country) and how you wish to pay, I will send you an email with the account details and postage costs (outside NL only)
You can pay through paypal or bank transfer and I will send you the plaque.
Staat mexel er nog tussen, ik kan hem zo niet vinden, Greetz Mexel
ReplyDeleteHey Mexel,
ReplyDeleteJa je staat er nog bij, je hebt een astrophysics assignment gekregen!
Stuur me ff een mail als je wat anders wilt doen!