Saturday, January 21, 2012

2001 - A Case Modyssey - Hardware Update 1

The 2001 - A Case Modyssey is made possible with the help from the following sponsors !

Asus is going to help us with a Corsshair IV Formula motherboard

EKWB is gonna help us with the Full watercooling setup including motherboard, CPU, Ram and GTX580's

My favorite webshop for watercooling supplies Highflow is gonnan pitch in also ! Thanks Freddy !

The best group on facebook for your SCIFI Obsessive Creation Disorder. We have over 50 Star Wars, Star Trek, BSG, Alien and other SCIFI Mods. Join us and share your SCIFI creations !!!

Hi all,

Here is a long overdue update. Finally got a big part of the hardware in house! Xmas vacation, Logistical issues, Chinese new year it all added up to this untypical long pauze for the next update!

Lamptron has supported the Modyssey by delivering us a Touch Fan controller and a noise reduction set!

30 watts per channel ! Thats powerfull !!

Next is the major contribution from EKWB! Gregor thanks for the help and the serious kickass products. That's one cool monkey now !

From left to right we have the EK-Supreme HF CPU waterblock, the EK-RAM Dominator X4 and the EK-D5 X-TOP Rev 2

EK-FC 580 GTX + waterblocks

The Monket is surrounded by GPU Power fitted with EK Backplates

Asus helped us with a crosshair IV Formula motherboard. Guys thanks!

So I made a couple of plexi standoffs and mounted the board and the 580's. Also placed the CPU and RAM waterblocks where they will go.

The next picture show how the cover plating will go , excuse the "throw together style"

That was it for this afternoon, I will be posting the design we worked out for the interior vinyl sticker that will go over the RED UV Reactive plexi I have ordered from Highflow.

This and the ram, coolant, hose and a bunch of other stuff will arrive later this week, so expect updates regularly again!


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